Hello there you are now in Baseball Heroes Cheat, this trainer updated from v.2 to v.3.
Baseball Heroes game this game if very popular game on facebook it have 1M user every month. This game is easy to play but it is so hard to make win. If you don't have timing to swing the bat you will loss the game. By using this cheat will help you to win, because this cheat features no absorb combo, easy max combo, auto Swing and easy rbi. The auto swing is automatically swing the bat in timing, you don't need to press space or left click to swing the bat, and this will allows you to make home run every time because you will have max combo every time so this help you to make home run every time. If you want play this game by this cheat you will needed cheat engine and the trainer of this game you can download both of the below you will see the download link below. You will need to install the cheat engine to make the script of the trainer works. So follow the steps or video tutorial below to make this cheat works perfectly.
Required Tools: (free DOWNLOAD no SURVEY)
- Cheat Engine 6.4 [ Link 1 ] [ Link 2 ] *NEW*
- Trainer - Baseball Heroes Cheat 32 & 64-bit.RAR [ Link 1 ] [ Link 2 ]
- Bypass (enable this fist to make all cheat work)
- No absorb combo
- Easy max combo
- Auto Swing (no need to space or click to swing the bat, this cheat will automatically swing the bat)
- Easy RBI
- Download Required tools above
- Install Cheat Engine
- Open Baseball Heroes on facebook (Once entered the game do not match or click anything)
- Extract and open the trainer you downloaded above
- In trainer choose your browser process click attach then continue
- Enable all cheat
- Go back to baseball heroes and play
- Enjoy
- Watch the video tutorial below if you don't understand the steps
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